My Little Pony friendship is Magic season 7 Princess Luna
My Little Pony friendship is Magic season 7 Princess Luna

Even worse, she was afraid that if Twilight made friends, she wouldn't need Celestia anymore. After the flashback, Celestia admits to Twilight that the reason she kept her in Canterlot far longer than she should have was because she didn't want Twilight to go.Celestia watches Twilight go, and not even a second after she's out of sight the tears start flowing.Celestia was worried about all the bad things that could've happened to Twilight when she left Canterlot, but the one she considered the worst was that she wouldn't get along with anyone.Looking at that scene closely you realize that Celestia had to send away somepony that she loved again.In essence what forced her decision was the knowledge that Twilight NEEDED to meet the rest of the Mane 6 before Nightmare Moon returned. What gave Celestia the idea to send Twilight away? Glancing up at the Mare in the Moon.

My Little Pony friendship is Magic season 7 Princess Luna My Little Pony friendship is Magic season 7 Princess Luna

She was so determined to get Twilight to make friends that she considered closing the library. Even during Twilight's early school days, Celestia could see that Twilight was so focused on her studies that she wasn't making friends.Though it's done in a heartwarming fashion, the flashback in the episode provides a rather sad insight into Celestia's past.

My Little Pony friendship is Magic season 7 Princess Luna